冤枉啊 no read,no world


2015年02月21日 22:45 | 阅读(1694) | 评论(0)Steps to Happiness

Everybody should konw:

You can not be all things to all people

You can not do all things at once

You can not do all things equally well

You can not do everything better than everyone else

Because you are ordinary,just like everyone else


You have to find out who you are and be that

You have to decide what comes first and do that

You have to discover your strengths and use them

You have to learn not to compete with others

Because no one else is in the business of being you


You will learn to accept your own uniqueness

You will learn to think and make decisions

You will learn to live with your limitations

You will learn to give yourself the respect that is due

And you will be on the road to being the best"you"that you can be

Dare to believe that:

You are a wonderfully unique person

You are the only one just like you in all of history

It is more than a right,it is your duty to be who you are

Life is not a problem to solve,but a gift to cherish

You will be able to stay on top of what used to get you down and achieve the impossible



    • 等级:
    • 下载次数:0
    • 性别:
    • 生日:2001年1月30日
    • 地区:四川省成都市邛崃市
    • 年级:高一