2014年11月10日 19:15 | 阅读(1428) | 评论(0)学校教给我们的十件事
After earning a Ph.D in neuroscience from UCLA,actress Mayim Bialik shares her learning strategies that also come in handy for life outside the classroom.
1."Sit in the front row,raise your hand,and ask questions.""坐在第一排,举手问问题."
A lot of people are intimidated and don't want to do it,but for me it was to the only way to get my questions answered and keep going.They called me a goody two-shoes,but who cares?
2."It's normal to want to drop out.""想退学很正常."
But once you've gotten that far,it's worth it to finish.There are people you can go to,ways to get around those feelings; you don't need to be in a dire situation to use Psychological Services.
3."It's helpful to have at least one person who doesn't let you drop out.""如果至少有一个人不想让你退学,那么对你来说会很有帮助."
You often feel like your mom and dad,or your boyfriend,don't really get it.But it really helped me to speak to people in my department who finished,even though they too felt discouraged.
4."Never underestimate the importance of taking good,thorough notes.""不要低估做好、做全笔记的重要性."
I prefer organized,efficient,longhand note taking.I'm really grateful to my mom,who was a list-taker.I don't come from a fancy academic family,but my mom knows how to make a good list,and that really helped me.Don't be afraid to use too much paper.
5."It's okay to cry when you don't do well on a test.""考试考得不好的话,哭一场也没关系."
Those emotions are there for a reason.You have to grieve your losses,but don't let them stop you from doing great things.
人们的情感存在都是有原因的.失败时可以悲伤,但是不要让悲伤阻止你去做伟大的事情.6."Know your limits.""知道自己的极限."
I'm not a perfect person,and college is really the place where you find that out.You're with a bunch of people who were'A'students.There has to be some distinction.There are people who are smarter than you.So:If you can't go to med school,what can you do?
我并不是一个完美的人,而大学真是能让你认识自己的地方.在大学里,你和一群优等生待在一起.你和他们肯定有所不同,有很多人都 比你聪明.所以:如果你不进医学院,你还能做什么?
7."Don't let other people's perceptions get you down.""不要被别人的看法所打倒."
I was called a'nerd'in a not very nice way by a girl on campus on my first day.Even in my science program there were people who thought I was too studious or cerebral.But there's a big picture to look at-education is a choice for a reason.
8."There's ego in academia-even compared to show business.""学术界也是有自我的--甚至可以和演艺界相比."I figured when you get to grad school you're an equal[with your professors],but not so much.我以为当去研究生院时就会和教授平起平坐,但是并不是这样.9."Even if you decide on a career in science,it's still important to go to humanities classes.""即使你决定从事和科学相关的职业,去上上人文课程也是很重要的."
I actually did a minor in Hebrew and Jewish Studies,and that allowed me to exercise the other side of the brain.It makes for a nice,well-rounded person to try and cover everything.
10."Teaching is one of the best ways to learn.""教是学的最好方法之一."
As part of our graduate training,we had to be teaching assistants.I loved it.I loved interacting with undergrads,making up tests and explaining difficult concepts.