首先问你1个问题,为什么要检查呢?我相信你一定会说,因为我怕错,是吧?但我又问你1句,为什么会错呢?其实,可能你对知识没有完全掌握好,或对自己没有信心吧不用怕的,给自己信心,努力去学习,做题目,把基础搞好了,那么,考试出现的错误自然会少,那么你的问题就可以解决了.实在不行请往下看:1.先易后难.先做会的,答完卷后再做不会的.2.做题打草稿时按顺序来,检查时按草稿来. 3.考试时别做了一半回头检查4.一定要用浏览的方式5.准备一些草稿纸,检查时先用纸挡起来,不要直接看答案,在草稿纸上再把题做一遍,理一理思路,然后看看第一次做的题和草稿纸是的一样吗,如果一样,就把这题放过去,如果不一样就再做一遍.(你觉得纳不准的问题);如果有哪道题一时想不起、做不出来,要马上引起重视,一定要把这道题解决掉.
音乐能影响人的情绪行为和生理机能,不同节奏的音乐能使人放松,使人的生理、心理节律发生良性的变化.如:圣洁、高贵的音乐,可使人净化灵魂、境界开 阔;速度较缓的音乐给人以安全感、舒适感;清澈、高雅、透明的古典音乐,可以增进人们的记忆力、注意力;浪漫的音乐,可激起人们恻隐、怜悯之心;流行音乐,可使人感情投入;时尚音乐,可释放心声.
From the time of our birth,dads play a significant role in our lives.From helping mother to change your diapers to paying your school and college fee,dads do every possible thing to provide you an easier and comfortable life.Father's day is celebrated once a year on different dates around the world.Even though you should be love and care for your father all 365 days of the year,this day gives you a chance to do something even more special for thim.If you are confused and you have no idea how you should be starting then,below is a step by step manual provided so you can start the day beautifully and even end it brilliantly!
1.Present Dad with a Trophy送他一些纪念品
What can be a better gift than giving someone a trophy?Nothing I guess.Start googling around a day before Father's day about how to make a trophy or you can also get a ready-made trophy and then personalize it.To give your own touch to the trophy,get a photograph of you with your dad,any photo would do the job (even if from childhood),some glue,and a ribbon.Stick the ribbon on the photo from behind or you can also sew ribbon as a frill and then stick it to the picture.Glue this frilled photo to the trophy,similarly write a message on a colored paper,stick it with the ribbon and glue to the bottom of the trophy.To end the day,before your dad is heading to bed,present him the trophy,say"I love you",and give him a hug.
2.Write him a poem为他写一首诗
This might be a little tough for everyone,but giving it a try won't do any harm.Search through the internet to get ideas for writing a poem and put your feelings into works for your Dad.Even if it sounds funny or childish,do not worry,whatever you would do for your dad would make him feel happy at the end of the end,so what matters is your effort.So write a short poem for him and read it to him after you are done cutting the cake.
3.Make barbeque为他准备烧烤
There is no one who dislikes barbeque,so for dinner get ready to cook on the coals.Make sure you get your dad's favorite kind of meat and vegetables.If you are not sure of what recipe to follow,again internet is here for your help.Look up for recipes and whatever looks good to you,go for it.A cake would be a cherry on the top,so get a cake with"Happy Father's Day"or"You are the best Dad"written on it and give your dad another surprise.
4.Buy him his favorite drinks把他最喜欢喝的饮料买给他
Time to head out of the house and enjoy the day a little more.Father's day is commercialized in many countries now and a lot of clubs have started to hold different kinds of activities and parties for this day.Take your dad and take part in games and activities to make the day even more fun.Buy him his favorite drinks,if your dad drink,nothing can be better than a beer and even if he doesn't get him whatever he likes to drink.
5.Make a slideshow做一个幻灯片
Childhood is very near to everyone and almost everyone miss it.The time spent with mom,dad and siblings as a kid always brings back a smile.Get into that old box of family pictures from the childhood and pick your favorite photos out of them.Select one of your favorite songs as a child and you are ready to make a slideshow.Download any software you think can turn your pictures into a movie,put the pictures in it along with the song,and play the slideshow to your dad.This act might bring back a lot of memories and nostalgia but it will surely put a smile on his face.
6.Watch his favorite movie with him和他一起看他最喜欢的电影
Go out,rent his favorite movie,and watch it with him.Spending the day with your dad is the best you can do on father's day,so plan in advance what you will be doing on this day.Like everyone,your dad must have a few movies very near to his heart,that he made you watch when you were a kid.If you plan to make this day special,it's time to bring back those memories and watch those movies again with him.Grab a pack of popcorns and live the memories again.
7.Make him a card为他做一张卡片
This is the time to show how creative you are.There are hundreds of cards available in the market in the Father's day season that you can buy and give it to your dad,but giving him a card that you made by your own self,will hold a different place in his heart.You can do this task a day before because it might take a lot of time.Run through internet and look up for ideas,you can easily find how to make father's day tutorials.Just collect all the materials you need and get on work.Be sure to come up with a very nice message for your father,it does not have to be a quote or something very formally written,instead come up with something original,like your feelings for him.Your dad will love it for sure!
8.Bring breakfast in bed把早餐送到床边
When you are done doing the tasks mentioned above,the next task is to take your apron out and get ready to show off your cooking skills.You are going to cook your dad's favorite breakfast,so be sure of not making any mistakes or your mission will not turn out to be successful.If you are good at cooking,then this step should not be a problem for your,but if you are good,then don't be scared.The internet is always here to help you,search around for recipes of whatever you are cooking and try following it without making any changes.If your does not have any favorites then you can come up with anything you like or whatever looks tempting to you.
9.Iron his clothes帮他熨衣服
This again is a very small gesture and you can easily get the clothes ironed from anywhere but then again,this day is about doing it all on your own,so before he wakes up take his favorite clothes out of the wardrobe and iron it for him.And if you want to you can buy him new clothes,iron and hang them somewhere in the room to surprise him.You can also polish his shoes and get them ready to be worn.Set his favorite perfume,his watch,his wallet,his keys,and whatever your dad usually keeps with him,ready at one place.All this might not sound anything so special to you but for dads,it is,seeing that their children care so much about them will surely make them feel special.
10.Wash his car为他洗车
Making the day special for your dad does not mean you have to come up with something huge or expensive.You can make him feel special by just expressing love through actions.So start the day off by washing his car or truck.Cars are usually not as messy from the outside as they are from the inner side,so try cleaning up in there as well.You can easily get the car washed from anywhere,but doing it yourself is what expresses your love.Keep in mind that in order to surprise him,you must know the time he wakes up in the morning and try to wash the car before he wakes up.Dad's love their cars and this small gesture of yours can make him very happy.
1.Make realistic,specific goals制定现实而具体的目标
You have decided to learn another language.Now what?On our recent live chat our panellists first piece of advice was to ask yourself:what do you want to achieve and by when?Donavan Whyte,vice president of enterprise and education at Rosetta Stone,says:"Language learning is best when broken down into manageable goals that are achievable over a few months.This is far more motivating and realistic."
你已经决定要学习一门外语.现在要如何做呢?在我们最近的在线聊天中,我们的嘉宾所给的第一条建议就是问问自己:你想要达成一个怎样的目标以及何时达成?来自罗塞塔石的企业教育协会副主席多诺万•怀特(Donavan Whyte)说,学习语言最好的办法是将学习目标分成几个易处理的阶段目标,这些目标要能够在数月之内达成.这个方法具有激发性同时也更容易实现.
You might be feeling wildly optimistic when you start but aiming to be fluent is not necessarily the best idea.Phil McGowan,director at Verbmaps,recommends making these goals tangible and specific:"Why not set yourself a target of being able to read a newspaper article in the target language without having to look up any words in the dictionary?"
在开始学习一门语言的时候你可能会过于乐观,但把目标设为能流利使用该门语言可能不是最好的做法.Verbmaps公司的主管菲尔•麦高恩(Phil McGowan)建议将学习目标具化为实际且具体的目标:"为什么不设定这样一个学习目标,即能够在不查阅字典的情况下,阅读目标语言的报纸文章呢?"
2.Remind yourself why you are learning提醒自己学习的目的
It might sound obvious,but recognising exactly why you want to learn a language is really important.Alex Rawlings,a language teacher now learning his 13th language,says:"Motivation is usually the first thing to go,especially among students who are teaching themselves."To keep the momentum going he suggests writing down 10 reasons you are learning a language and sticking it to the front of the file you are using:"I turn to these in times of self-doubt."
这问题的答案看起来似乎很明显,但能够准确地认识到自己学习一门语言的目的是很重要的.语言学教师艾利克斯•罗林斯(Alex Rawlings),目前正在学习他的第十三种语言,他说:"确定学习动机是首先要做的事情,尤其对那些自学外语的学生而言."他建议学习者写下十个学习这门语言的理由,并把它贴在学习文件夹的首页,以此保持学习的动力:"当我开始怀疑自己的时候,我就看看这些当初学习的理由."
3.Focus on exactly what you want to learn集中精力学习那些你想要学习的东西
Often the discussion around how to learn a language slides into a debate about so-called traditional v tech approaches.For Aaron Ralby,director of Linguisticator,this debate misses the point:"The question is not so much about online v offline or app v book.Rather it should be how can we assemble the necessary elements of language for a particular objective,present them in a user-friendly way,and provide a means for students to understand those elements."When signing up to a particular method or approach,think about the substance behind the style or technology."Ultimately,"he says,"the learning takes place inside you rather that outside,regardless of whether it's a computer or book or a teacher in front of you."
关于如何学习语言的讨论通常都变成关于所谓传统学习方法和技术学习方法之间的辩论.对于Linguisticator公司的主管亚伦•罗尔比(Aaron Ralby)来说,此类辩论都没有抓到重点:"问题并不是关于在线学习和离线学习,亦或使用应用程序学习或使用书本学习,而应该是我们在面对一个特定的学习目标时,如何收集学习所需的素材,并将这些材料以对用户友好的方式呈现,并提供给学生理解这些材料的方法."当决定使用某种特定的方法时,要思考这种方式方法或技术背后的内容实质."最终,"他说,"学习是发生在你的内心而非外部环境当中,无论你面对的是电脑、书本还是老师."
4.Read for pleasure快乐阅读
For many of our panellists,reading was not only great for making progress,but one of the most rewarding aspects of the learning experience.Alex Rawlings explains that reading for pleasure"exposes you to all sorts of vocabulary that you won't find in day-to-day life,and normalises otherwise baffling and complicated grammatical structures.The first book you ever finish in a foreign languages is a monumental achievement that you']ll remember for a long time."
5.Learn vocabulary in context在语境中学习词汇
Memorising lists of vocabulary can be challenging,not to mention potentially dull.Ed Cooke,co-founder and chief executive of Memrise,believes that association is key to retaining new words:"A great way to build vocabulary is to make sure the lists you're learning come from situations or texts that you have experienced yourself,so that the content is always relevant and connects to background experience."
记住一大堆单词是很困难的,更不要说这可能是一个相当无聊的过程.Memrise 公司的联合创始人兼首席执行官艾德•库克(Ed Cooke)认为联想是记忆单词很重要的方法:"建立词汇库的一个重要方法是确保你现在学习的那些单词都是来自亲身经历的场景或阅读的文本,这样的话记忆的内容就会与经验背景联系起来."
6.Ignore the myths:age is just a number无视那些迷思:年龄只是数字
You are a monolingual adult:have you missed the language boat?Ralby argues"a key language myth is that it's harder as an adult".Adults and children may learn in different ways but that shouldn't deter you from committing to learning another language."Languages are simultaneously organic and systematic.As children we learn languages organically and instinctively; as adults we can learn them systematically."
If you're still not convinced of your chances,Ralby suggests drawing inspiration from early philologists and founders of linguistics who"learned dozens of languages to encyclopaedic levels as adults".
7.Do some revision of your native language要多复习自己的母语
Speaking your first language may be second nature,but that doesn't necessarily mean you understand it well.Kerstin Hammes,editor of the Fluent Language Blog,believes you can't make good progress in a second language until you understand your own."I think understanding your native language and just generally how language works is so essential before you launch yourself at a bunch of foreign phrases."
说自己的母语可能是人的第二天性,但这并不意味着你很好地理解这门语言.流利语言博客的编辑克里斯汀•哈梅斯(Kerstin Hammes)认为除非你很好地理解了自己的母语,否则无法在第二语言的学习上得到进步."我认为理解自己的母语以及理解语言如何运作,这一点在你学习一堆外国语词汇之前是很重要的."
8.Don't underestimate the importance of translation别低估了翻译的重要性
Different approaches may be necessary at different stages of the learning process.Once you have reached a certain level of proficiency and can say quite a bit,fairly accurately,Rebecca Braun,senior lecturer in German studies at Lancaster University,says it is typical to feel a slowing down in progress."Translation,"she says,"is such an important exercise for helping you get over a certain plateau that you will reach as a language learner…Translation exercises don't allow you to paraphrase and force the learner on to the next level."
在学习语言的不同过程中,我们可能需要使用不同的学习方法.一旦你达到了一定的学习水平,口语不错,准确度也还行的时候,兰卡斯特大学德语研究高级讲师丽贝卡•布劳恩(Rebecca Braun)说到了这个阶段,翻译练习在帮助作为语言学习者的你跨越一个难以进步的稳定时期是非常重要的…翻译练习不允许你进行阐释,这会迫使学习者进入到更高一级的水平.
9.Beware of fluency当心流畅性
Many of the panellists were cautious of the F-word.Hammes argues not only is it difficult to define what fluency is,but"as a goal it is so much bigger than it deserves to be.Language learning never stops because it's culture learning,personal growth and endless improvement.I believe that this is where learners go wrong".
10.Go to where the language is spoken去到说目标语言的地方
It may not be an option for everyone but Braun reminds us that"if you are serious about learning the language and getting direct pleasure from what you have learned,you need to go to where that language is spoken".
Travel and living abroad can complement learning in the classroom:"The books and verb charts may be the easiest way to ensure you expose yourself to the language at home,but the people and the culture will far outclass them once you get to the country where your language is spoken."
Growing up is never easy,everyone is bound to have their share of ups and downs.There are undoubtedly challenges ahead that will require hard work and dedication,but you can also stay entertained in the process.
1.Your Safe Places Will Always Be Your Favorite安全地总会是你喜欢的地方
As much as you grow up,and as far as you move away,the places you cuddled up as a toddler will always be your favorites.Suddenly,you'll be looking for more reasons to visit Grandma's house.
2.You Can Choose Your Work你可以选择你的工作
Everyone will tell you that you must choose a career that pays off.However,remember that you will spend approximately 90 000 hours at work over your life.Choose something you love.
3.You Can Choose Your Dream Life你可以选择过你梦想中的生活
Though it's easy to get tied down with responsibilities,you really can pursue the things you always dreamed of.
虽然很容易被责任所束缚,但你真的可以选择过你想要过的生活.4.The World Is Bigger Than You Think这个世界比你想的要大
Keep in mind that the world is much bigger than you think.Thousands of distinct and impressive cultures span the globe,waiting for you to appreciate them.
记住,这个世界比你想的要大.很多种独特让人印象深刻的风俗文化遍布全球,等着你去欣赏.5.You Are More Talented Than You Think你的能力超乎你想象You are also likely to find that your younger self was too critical on you.你可能也觉得年轻的你对自己太严格.6.But Talent Isn't Enough To Get You There你的天赋并不足以能让你走到你想去的地方
Even though you should appreciate yourself,unfortunately you're about to find out that talent is not enough to get where you want to go.Hard work,perseverance,dedication,and tenacity are all required as well.÷
7.Money Is Worth More Than You Think钱的价值超乎你想象
Money suddenly spends faster than you think as soon as you're paying more of your own bills.For a long time,it will seem like no matter what you do,you barely make ends meet.
8.You Don't Have Forever To Be Adventurous你不必永远做一个探寻者
Make sure you strike out and discover a new corner of the world while you're growing up,because you don't have forever to be adventurous.
Master motivator Tony Robbins,profiled in a new Fortune cover story,has reached countless strivers over the years with his blockbuster bestsellers Unlimited Power (1986)and Awaken the Giant Within (1991).Now the giant of the self-improvement genre-literally,he's six-seven-is rousing people to conquer their finances with his first major book in two decades:Money:Master the Game (Simon & Schuster,Nov.18).Here's a brief history of personal development literature's greatest hits.
新一期《财富》杂志(Fortune)的封面人物是激励大师托尼•罗宾斯,多年来,他的两本超级畅销书《激发心灵的潜力》(Unlimited Power,1986)和《唤醒内心的巨人》(Awaken the Giant Within,1991),激励了无数奋斗者.最近,这位自我提高领域的大师(他已经六十七岁),推出了他在近20年来出版的首部重要作品《金钱:掌控游戏》(Money:Master the Game)【西蒙与舒斯特出版公司(Simon & Schuster),11月18日】.现在让我们回顾一下史上最畅销的自我发展类图书:
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (1936)《人性的弱点:如何赢得朋友并影响他人》作者:戴尔•卡耐基(1936年)
Carnegie's classic self-help book counts people as diverse as oracular investor Warren Buffet and murder-mastermind Charles Manson among its acolytes.The book,which comprises a recipe for getting ahead,has sold more than 15 million copies since it was first published.Transcribed with help from a stenographer (at the suggestion of a Simon & Schuster exec who heard Carnegie speak),this likeability manual spawned from a popular lecture course taught by Carnegie.Here's a nugget of Carnegie's counsel:"You can't win an argument.You can't because if you lose it,you lose it; and if you win it,you lose it."
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937)《思考致富》作者:拿破仑•希尔(1937年)
Urged by steel magnate Andrew Carnegie to research what underpins the fortunes of the world's most powerful people,Napoleon Hill spent more than 20 years studying well-known financial front-runners.Inside he bottled"the Carnegie secret,"distilling knowledge from such captains of industry as Thomas Edison,Henry Ford,John D.Rockefeller,and,of course,Carnegie.Among those influenced by Hill's"philosophy of achievement"is boxer Ken Norton,who cited Hill as inspiration after defeating and breaking the jaw of Muhammad Ali.As an L.A.Times sportswriter once wrote of the match:"The credit belongs to a famous man of the past named Napoleon.Not the Emperor of France; this one is Napoleon Hill."
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (1952)《积极思考的力量》作者:诺曼•文森特•皮尔(1952年)
Turn that frown upside-down:In the relentlessly upbeat world of post-World War II America,where everything seemed like it was on the rise and always would be,Peale optimistically codified simple procedures for"mastering the problems of everyday living."Don't be defeated,he counsels.The book"is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy,satisfying,and worthwhile life."
I'm OK-You're OK by Thomas Anthony Harris (1969)《我好!你也好!》作者:托马斯•安东尼•哈里斯(1969年)
In the 1950s,psychiatrist Eric Berne expanded on Freud's theories of psychoanalysis to develop his own system of diagnosis and therapy called Transactional Analysis.Rather than speculating about the unconscious mind to explain human behavior,Berne schematized social interactions-aka his"transactions."Harris,one of Berne's close disciples,took Berne's ideas and ran with them,promoting the methodology in his pop-psych paragon I'm OK-You're OK.Harris'book became even more influential than Berne's own and has made a host of pop cultural cameos,including in sitcoms like The Odd Couple,Taxi,and Seinfeld.The child,a transactional analyst might say,surpassed the parent.
上世纪50年代,精神病学专家埃里克•伯恩进一步阐述了佛洛依德的精神分析理论,并形成了自己的诊断与治疗体系:交互分析(Transactional Analysis).伯恩并非通过推测潜意识来解释人类行为,而是将社会互动系统化--也就是他的"交互".伯恩的爱徒哈里斯继承了他的理论,并将其付诸实践,在其大众心理学经典作品《我好!你也好》中宣传了交互分析方法.哈里斯的图书在影响力方面甚至超越了伯恩的作品,并曾在许多流行文化作品中出现,包括情景喜剧《单身公寓》(The Odd Couple)、《出租车》(Taxi)和《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld).按照交互分析师的说法,伯恩可谓青出于蓝而胜于蓝.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R.Covey (1989)《高效能人士的七个习惯》作者:史蒂芬•R•柯维(1989年)
Managerial magician Stephen Covey became a much sought-after exec-whisperer after publishing his seven-maxim wisdom.Offering sharp saws like Be Proactive (Habit No.1),Think Win-Win (No.4),and,well,Sharpen the Saw (No.7),the book delivers succinct,memorable advice.Covey,a onetime teacher at Brigham Young University's School of Management and co-founder of its Department of Organizational Behavior,eventually set up a consulting business to market his insights.While Covey's axioms may come as no surprise to some,it's the book's digestible structure that wins him converts-including former President Bill Clinton,who once invited Covey to Camp David for personal guidance.
这部管理学经典之作出版后,管理学大师史蒂芬•柯维成了极受欢迎的高管导师.书中为读者提供了简洁但令人记忆深刻的建议,如积极主动(习惯1)、双赢思维(习惯4)和不断更新(习惯7).柯维曾任杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)管理学院讲师,也是该校组织行为学系的联合创始人,他后来成立了自己的咨询公司,宣传自己的理论.柯维的理论虽然对有些人而言并不新鲜,但本书易于理解的结构却为他赢得了大批拥护者,美国前总统比尔•克林顿曾邀请柯维前往戴维营对他进行个人指导.
Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (1993)《心灵鸡汤》作者:杰克•坎菲尔德与马克•维克多•汉森(1993年)
Conceived of as a collection of 101 inspiring stories more than two decades ago,the book begat a mega-franchise.Motivational speakers Canfield and Hansen took on the original project after their audience members solicited them to compile anecdotes from their talks.Snowballing into more than 250 titles and selling more than 110 million copies in the U.S.and Canada,the series has become a fixture of bookshelves across the world.Sold in 2008 to three new owners,the franchise has not lost steam.It has since launched a YouTube Channel and comfort food lines for both pets and humans.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (2006)《秘密》作者:朗达•拜恩(2006年)
Echoing the language of Hill and"the Carnegie secret,"Byrne produced a Da Vinci Code-esque video documentary claiming to reveal life-changing arcana in 2006.Her book of the same name quickly followed,receiving a major popularity boost from The Oprah Winfrey Show.Byrne's premise is based on the"law of attraction":positive thinking begets positive results.Cosmic magnetism and will power bring health,wealth,and happiness,Byrne says.She cites Einstein,Edison,and Galileo as famous possessors of this secret knowledge.Building on her own success,Byrne has continued to spread the word in soulful sequels such as The Power and The Magic.
2006年,拜恩制作了一部类似《达芬奇密码》(Da Vinci Code)的视频纪录片,与希尔和"卡内基致富秘诀"使用的语言遥相呼应.这部纪录片声称解开了能够改变生活的奥秘.她很快便推出了同名图书,并因《奥普拉脱口秀》(Oprah Winfrey Show)的大力推荐而畅销一时.拜恩的理论基于"吸引力法则":积极的思考会带来积极的结果.拜恩表示,宇宙吸引力和意志力能够带来健康、财富和幸福.她认为爱因斯坦、爱迪生和伽利略等都掌握了这一奥秘.借助这本书大获成功的东风,拜恩随后又推出触动灵魂的续篇《力量》(The Power)和《魔力》(The Magic),继续宣传自己的理论.
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